This site belongs to Domaine Skiable de la Rosière who has all property rights on the datas on display or in database, on its technical architecture, its navigation mode, its application and its style book.
The technical functions of this web site, including the software to up date the datas, has been created by the company E-liberty who is also the host of this site.
The style book has been created by E-liberty. The texts and illustrations on display on this site are not free of rights. Their copyright or transmission is allowed only with a written agreement of the author, even if its name doesn't appear.
The intellectual property code for copyrights or reproductions is strictly reserved for private use, not for a collective (artical : alinéas 1 et 2 de l'article L. 122-5).
The reproduction, use and exploitation of photographs published on the site are prohibited without the prior agreement of their author.
Photo credits: DSR - POMA - PROPAGANDA - Julien GAIDET - OT La Rosière - MND
When you visit the web site or one of our services, la Rosiere ski area may need to ask you for certain information about yourself to be able to identify you, to confirm your rights and to offer you personalised services or to be able to improve our services and to be attentive to your needs.
You may be asked for personal details (surname, first name, date of birth, postal address, e-mail, your preferences, favourite information, IP address, etc) particularly when you ask for information, set up your account or make reservations. These data are helpful to us to reply more accurately to your questions and offer you a suitable product. La Rosiere ski Area may send you an information letter with news of la Rosiere and its promotional offers.
Provided that the personal data gathered in respect of the newsletter and strictly used in accordance with the operation of this service and information directly or indirectly specifying names that is gathered will only be used for publicity and for public and press relations initiated by la Rosiere Ski Area
The personal data gathered which concern you may be passed to our associates exclusively in respect of the operation of the web site. Other than in the circumstances mentioned above, these data will only be passed outside the organisation to fulfil our legal and statutory obligations or at the request of an administrative or judicial authority.
The information gathered is automatically or digitally processed to activate this partnership. In accordance with law no 78-17 of 6 January 1978 relating to digitally held data, files and freedom of information, the parties have the right to access and correct personal data concerning them by writing to the La Rosiere Ski Area by e-mail at
e-Liberty Suisse
Imm. les Caves du Palais
Rue des Terreaux 9
CH - 2001 Neuchâtel
Téléphone : +41 32 722 68 30
Activ'Ete Cards