Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) is defined by the European Commission as the responsibility of companies for the effects they have on society. This notion implies taking into account the social, environmental and economic impacts of their activities.
At the forefront of the fight against global warming and the destruction of the mountain environment, France's ski resorts have drawn up an environmental roadmap for the next few years. The La Rosière Ski Area is fully committed to this approach and to continuing its efforts in accordance with the established roadmap.
Find out all about it at the level of the profession, and in more detail about the actions taken specifically in La Rosière.
The La Rosière Ski Area is determined to limit the environmental impact of its activities. This includes initiatives to reduce its carbon footprint and preserve its territory and biodiversity. Its commitment does not stop at the environment. Support initiatives are carried out through donations and sponsorship, making a positive contribution to social, cultural and educational projects, both local and otherwise.
In collaboration with “Domaines Skiables de France” (DSF), the La Rosière Ski Area has adopted 16 eco-commitments to combat global warming.
Find out more about DSF's 16 eco-commitments
Météo-France (French weather forecasting agency), INRAE (laboratory) and Dianeige (firm specialising in resort development) have investigated the impact of climate change on snow cover at La Rosière.
See the results of the Climsnow® study
The starting point for the La Rosière Ski Area is to measure and analyse its greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions at every stage of its "value chain".
The carbon footprint of a ski day
In February 2024, the French Court of Auditors published a report assessing the vulnerability of mountain resorts to climate change. This report assigned La Rosière a score that does not reflect the reality of our resort, relying on a questionable methodology and inaccurate data. To clarify certain points and correct some information, we invite you to read our detailed response.
Access the Right of Reply
The La Rosière Ski Area has written its own charter of commitment, listing all the actions it has taken in relation to all the emissions generated by the company.
Read the energy efficiency charter
Eco-responsible initiatives are in place to reconcile tourism activities and sustainable development in La Rosière. Here are some concrete examples of what has been done in the ski resort.
Discover these eco-friendly actions
La Rosière Ski Area works with local farmers to integrate sustainable grazing practices into land management, contributing to the preservation of the landscapes, its biodiversity and the traditions.
Grazing and its challenges
By using advanced technologies, the La Rosière Ski Area make snow production more efficient and respectful of resources. This is the ‘just snow’ strategy.
More about snowmaking
The Environmental Observatory continuously monitors the impact of the ski area's activities on the fauna, flora and sensitive environments. As part of this observatory, the La Rosière Ski Area has taken a number of protective measures.
Learn about protected species
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