The La Rosière Ski Area is continuing its efforts to preserve the area’s natural resources. Throughout the year, it rolls out eco-responsible actions that fulfil the requirements both of its tourist activity and sustainable development. Here are a few concrete examples of actions that have already been carried out in the resort:
The biggest source of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions in a ski trip is the visitors transport: this makes up 52% of the carbon footprint of a ski holiday, according to Utopies and ADEME.
Travelling by train considerably reduces greenhouse gas emissions! That's why the Domaine Skiable de La Rosière has set up an offer to make train travel more attractive.
Any visitors who travel to Bourg Saint Maurice by train will be given a voucher for 15% off their next ESPACE SAN BERNARDO liftpass, valid for 2 days until 15 consecutive days.
See more details about this offer
The La Rosière Ski Area is offering a €5 discount on skipasses from Les Ecudets!
There are many advantages to using Les Ecudets, but there's one that has real environmental value:
Mountain Riders is an association dedicated to promoting sustainable development in the mountains. They created the ‘Flocon Vert’ label to distinguish ski resorts and mountain areas committed to an ecological approach.
Once a year, at the end of June, we spend half a day picking up litter on the ski area. This day is open to any volunteers who want to help the DSR staff to tidy up and preserve the mountainside.
Every year, between 400 and 500kg of waste is collected!
Mountain Riders, which is organising this fun day out alongside La Rosière Tourist Office, is counting and categorising its rubbish before it is sorted. The aim of this operation is to gain a better understanding of where waste comes from so that it can be dealt with more effectively.
In partnership with the French National Forestry Office (ONF), one avalanche blasting point has been removed and replaced by snow fences. 400 trees (spruce and larch) have been planted.
The resort has also pledged to plant 1,500 trees over 3 years between 2021 and 2023. The shoots come from Bourg Saint Maurice (15km away) and this action is being carried out in partnership with the ONF for a total amount of €27,170 financed by the Domaine Skiable de La Rosière, the town hall of Montvalezan and the MND Company.
Trees are our ecosystem's natural regulators. They purify the atmosphere by absorbing carbon dioxide and releasing oxygen. Their leaves and their roots filter water. They also act as soil stabilisers by preventing erosion and are home to a variety of flora and fauna. Trees also have a role to play in regulating extreme differences in temperature by releasing water vapour into the atmosphere. This phenomenon influences the local humidity levels and tempers extreme climate fluctuations.
Just like you, at home, who turn off your lights, turn down your heating and sort your rubbish... The employees are fully involved, in all departments:
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